Archive for August, 2021


DOJ Recoups a total of $1.8 Billion from Health Care Fraud in 2020, Laboratory Recoupments Alone Account for Hundreds of Millions

The Department of Justice (“DOJ”) has reported that in 2020, the government prosecuted dozens of laboratory owners and operators for anti-kickback related offenses responsible for hundreds of millions in alleged federal health care program loses.  DOJ recouped a total of $1.8 billion dollars in connection with healthcare fraud allegations. Since…

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Alere Pays $198.75 Million to Settle False Claims for Allegedly Billing Medicare for Defective POC Devices, Not Charging Copays, and Sending Supplies to Deceased Patients

Alere Inc. and Alere San Diego Inc. (collectively “Alere”) have come under fire recently by the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and other government agencies, agreeing to settle several rounds of accusations of False Claims Act violations for a total of $198.75 million. The first series of settlements was announced…

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Patient Stakeholder Group Zeroes in on Medical Device Industry

In recent months, the Kaiser Health Network (part of the Kaiser Family Foundation) has issued three reports scrutinizing the orthopedic industry and its practices.  Each report articulates the stakeholder group’s concerns over relationships among orthopedic and spinal surgeons, orthopedic implant manufacturers, and their sales representatives.  Medical device manufacturers, especially those…

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SEC Approves NASDAQ Board Diversity Rules

On August 6, 2021, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved Nasdaq’s Board Diversity Rules (the “Rules”). The Rules require Nasdaq-listed companies to have or explain why they do not have at least two diverse directors. Companies are also required to annually disclose statistical information on board diversity using a standardized board diversity matrix. To…

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